
March 23, 2023  Comments are off Interview, Photoshoot, Web

Although fame exploded without expecting it, he did not give up enjoying acting. And now she does it with Cristo y Rey, the new Atresplayer Premium series.

Regarding the figure of Ángel Cristo, who more or less has a notion: the successful tamer, the turbulent relationship with Bárbara Rey, the fall into drugs, the mistreatment, the volcanic character… The same could be thought of the career Jaime Lorente’s professional career (Murcia, 1991) from the immediate success with the psychopath Denver in La Casa de Papel and the bad guy in Elite to the jump to Ángel Cristo in Cristo y Rey, the Daniel Écija series that premieres today on Atresplayer Premium and in a few months it will reach Antena 3. But here the nuances are very important.

Because what surrounds success is a nebula that the Murcian has been dissipating over the years and with professional help. “No way I’ve been happy. I’ve only gotten along well outside the gates. I have beaten myself a lot; I have suffered from depression and anxiety; I have been very lost, and I have felt very bad for having a privileged place that I did not enjoy when other actors are having drinks”.

Thus, without nuances, he unravels a path that we all intuit is ideal except for those who lived it. “I have invested a lot in psychologists and now I would not change everything that has happened to me for anything. I have learned that the people who lose their grip with success are because they were assholes before, when no one knew them and now we all know it”.

Looking at these years of career, are you happy now?
Yes, because I haven’t done anything I didn’t want to. I have committed myself and have helped my family a lot with my privilege. You catch me at a time where I am very proud.
For this reason, he has gotten involved in a project that looks like a national event and with aspirations for resounding success. Nothing works in Spain like the fall from grace of a real public figure. And even more so if Bárbara Rey, Chelo García Cortés, the emeritus King and an amalgamation of gossip, romances, sexual dalliances and scandals to remember or discover.
Although the filming was not without its problems. At least, for its protagonist. “There were things that I couldn’t even understand. Either he did them without thinking or it was impossible. I had an anxiety attack in a scene in which his daughter takes one of his drugs. I just became a father and you wonder what could happen in the real life. I started crying like a little child”.

How much does paternity affect the work of an actor?
Being young it is impossible to be a good actor. I’m not saying you don’t do good jobs, but at 30 I can’t be because I still don’t understand many things. Being a father gives me more freedom and I suffer less because I prioritize the affective relationship with my daughter. Without being a father, I would not count Ángel Cristo like this.

And the reconciliation? Because we always ask women this.
My girl and I have reconciled very well. We have worked as we could, but we agree. If she was pregnant for nine months, it’s my turn to smear now too.

After all your problems, why have you returned to a series that is on the way to being a hit?
Because you have to understand that success is a consequence of your work. If I had not understood this after La Casa de Papel, I would have left this profession. Success is something that they spit in your face for which you are not prepared and for which I have had to work. I am enjoying this because now I feel brave and my circle takes it well with me.
Although it already sounds like a cliché, Jaime Lorente was one of those who thought that continuing made no sense. Because he felt “many times” alone without being so, he had a “fatal” follow-up from the tabloids and fans, and he did not enjoy filming for “fear of making mistakes”. There he held “the illusion” of the 16-year-old boy who set up stages in Murcia for a pittance and trained to be an actor until he succeeded. “My relationship with my work has never been success or being famous. It goes deeper. If charging 20 euros setting up stages, which is crap, I was excited and hungry, something was happening when I was not happy in a successful series. Or I blame my job and quit or take responsibility for my life”.
He chose the latter and was learning to deal with the blurry line between success and failure from the top. “You are very afraid that if the value that the rest gives you disappears, you will stop being a winner. My success now is in my wife, my daughter, my family, my money… That thing about money not giving Happiness that they tell you when you don’t have a daughter and can have certain privileges. You have to give value to real things because you are nobody if you believe that success is fame”.

Does one come to feel that it is only a product?
It is that you are and it is not bad. We all are, another thing is that you are cheap and manipulated.

And how many times have you felt alone?
Many times, because you start to displace the people around you when things go wrong. I remember that my girl told me one day if she understood that she would continue with me even if she was a baker.

Why is she always associated with violent characters? Talking to you you don’t give that impression at all.
Being Denver in La Casa de Papel marked me, but I am not violent at all. I’m blocked by violence but I guess I’m good at getting pissed off.

Well, in the world and in the series there are good doses of violence.
This series serves to denounce that there is still a lot of that violence left. And you understand that as a man you have a responsibility to report comments from friends. I have left WhatsApp groups where it was funny to say barbaric things against women.

Have we men begun to adopt those behaviors that you had?
It is better to cross those people out of your life to avoid unpleasant moments. You have to do a brutal collective exercise and it is time to put limits on humor with the suffering of many people to have a more humane world. Enough of certain queer and black jokes, even if they are not hurtful. You have to set limits to live in a state of calm and respect.

Source : elmundo.es

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