
July 31, 2021  Comments are off Photoshoot, Tin & Tina

Filming begins on Tin & Tina, the world premiere of Rubin Stein’s feature film with which he will adapt his acclaimed short Tin & Tina (2013), nominated for the Golden Méliès for the best European fantastic short film and winner of more than thirty awards international.

The film will present us with a psychological horror story in which two orphaned twin brothers, raised in a strict convent, are adopted by a young couple.

“It is, at its core, a mystery movie,” Stein remarks. And there is nothing more mysterious than the mind of a child. Children live in their own real world with their own rules and beliefs. Trying to understand their actions and intentions can be very difficult at times. For this reason, I have always loved movies about enigmatic children. My goal as a director is that the viewer, when leaving the cinema, has the feeling of having experienced an original, unique, sometimes funny and sometimes terrifying journey to a Spain of the past that reverberates in the present through childhood, the family, religion and the limits of good and evil”.

Milena Smit (No Matarás, Madres paralelas) and Jaime Lorente (La Casa de Papel, El Cid) will be the protagonists of a story that also includes Carlos González Morollón (Padre no hay más que uno) and Anastasia Achikhmina (El Ministerio del Tiempo). In addition, it has the special collaboration of Teresa Rabal.

“I have seldom enjoyed the screenwriting process and film development as much as I did with Tin & Tina.And this has not been accidental. Everything is the work of Rubin”, says the producer, Olmo Figueredo. “He has an innate ability to make you feel that you are a real part of the project, that you contribute at all levels, but at the same time he always manages to take it to a personal level and consistent with his style. I think that is the reason that he has made names of the stature of Milena Smit and Jaime Lorente join the project. I have no doubt that the film is going to surprise a lot and that the name of Rubin Stein is going to sound a lot (and for the better) in the coming years”.

Stein, whom Variety magazine defined as “one of the 10 emerging Spanish filmmakers to follow closely”, will thus bring to theaters the first story of his trilogy of black and white suspense shorts Luz & Oscuridad, which continued with Nerón (2016) and Bailaora (2018).

With seven weeks of filming ahead in Seville, Tin & Tina is a production by Olmo Figueredo González-Quevedo for La Claqueta PC and Tin & Tina La Pelicula AIE, in co-production with Miami Film Gate, with executive production by Paola Sainz de Baranda, with the participation of Canal Sur Radio and Television, with the support of ICAA and the Andalusian Agency of Cultural Institutions and with the collaboration of Latido Films. Filmax will distribute the film nationally.

Source : fotogramas.es

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