
July 02, 2020  Comments are off Campaign, Giorgio Armani, Interview, Photoshoot, Video, Web

Disconnect to connect with yourself and with nature. Immerse yourself to find your essence again. Dive into a calm sea and flow. Jaime Lorente has done it, hand in hand with the Acqua di Giò Profondo fragrance, to tell us about himself, dive into his true being and thus discover his most authentic side. More natural. More Jaime.

“Nature has always been present in my life. I am fascinated by the mountain, it is a place where I can find myself, disconnect a bit from everyday life… Perhaps it is the only place where demons fade a bit”. This is how our conversation with Jaime Lorente, actor of the moment, king of Instagram, idol of the masses and, in no time, El Cid that will ride –sure that victorious– on our screens.

But what is behind the success? What is Jaime Lorente really like? What is your deepest, most natural, most sincere and authentic self like? How do you feel when the lights go out? How do you live? How do you disconnect from lights, flashes… to connect with yourself, with that essence that today, here and now, we invite you to know?

We know it and we are going to tell you about it. And we do it with Acqua di Giò, by Giorgio Armani, a fragrance of which Jaime is the image and with which he has plunged into a refreshing ocean of confessions, honesty and smiles, confidences, complicity… of nature! Of its nature. The result? this video and the accompanying interview.

What is it for you to be natural?
For me, being natural is being honest with your lifestyle, with what you want to be and with one’s principles… My attitude has changed a lot in recent times. I have realized, through confinement, that I don’t want to go back to the reality I had before. Somehow, the confinement made us all put ourselves in front of a mirror… And I have been aware of a number of things that I want to change: I do not want to return to the unbearable stress that I had before, since I paid little attention to myself . Now I would like to reconnect with that part.

How do you define freedom? Where do you find it?
Freedom is doing good for oneself and doing good for others. The moment I don’t do good, I become a slave to my bad habits. The moment I don’t do good to others, I make others slaves to my bad habits, bad habits or bad decisions. I find freedom with honesty and love.

What does Acqua di Giò have of the essence of Jaime Lorente and vice versa? What do you and this Armani fragrance share?
It is the fragrance that I have always used. It has been used a lot in my family, and it fascinates me. I think it evokes that freedom, that connection with nature that, after all, I relate to the connection with myself.

What is in the deepest of Jaime Lorente? You are the fashionable boy and you have thousands of fans, but tell us something about what you keep for yourself.
Well… I have nothing to do with the characters I make, with the image that has been created of me. This profession is very beautiful, but it is full of lies and lights that confuse you of what you are. I am a very normal guy, passionate about theater. I keep the deepest of myself, and I will continue to keep it, but I can say that I am a person who loves his job and who is continually struggling not to get confused and not to get confused.

Is there anything about your work that makes you feel free?
Yes, I dedicate myself to this because, when I get in front of a camera or I get on stage, I feel like the bravest person in the world, I feel very free. However, when I go out, everything that causes that freedom also, sometimes, turns around and makes me suffer. But in front of the camera and on stage, I am very free.

What place does exercise occupy in your life? How does it make you feel?
It is a way of finding myself, of reflecting, of meditating… I meditate when I run. I love running, soccer… I love American football.

A person accustomed to success, like you, does he need to be alone to digest it, to reflect?
Yes, we need to reflect on it, we need to do an exercise in emotional stability, to know what we mean, to know what has happened to us, what we want to achieve… I have suffered a lot for all this success. Somehow, I didn’t ask for it, but it’s related to my work.

If so, where is that loneliness?
That solitude is in oneself, it is at the moment when one begins to be coherent with the things that one does. He is with the family, he is in his usual place, he is in his friends, in his customs…

The moment we have lived has paralyzed some projects, are the dreams still intact?
My dreams are still intact. This is a full stop. I am focused on continuing with El Cid and returning with Matar Cansa, a work that could not be released due to the state of alarm. I have short-term dreams.

Elías, Denver, Nano…. And now El Cid! With whom of the four do you share the most traits?
Not because I am a hero, which I am not, but, because of how I built El Cid, he is the character that most resembles me. I think it is even the most normal of all.

Get wet: which one you like best and which worst.
Better El Cid. Worse, Elías, without a doubt.

Why do you think El Cid fights? For an ideal, for freedom, for itself? And why do you fight daily?
El Cid doesn’t know what he’s fighting for. In fact, I am also on this journey to discover it, and it is a bit of what we tell in the series. In the series, he does not start being El Cid, but the boy who will later become El Cid. It is beautiful because, really, the emotional milestones, the events that make you discover who you are, are what make you realize why you are fighting. I hope he ends up fighting for love, which is what I try to fight for every day.

What interests you the most, politics or fashion? Why?
Politics because it influences more our life and our rights. It touches me from the front, and it touches me a lot.

How do you define your style?
-Super simple, I’m a skinny guy, basic shirt and sneakers. This is my essence, and I am happy with it.

And your writing style?
It depends. Because I use writing as a place of reflection, depending on my mood, I write some things or others. I do not consider myself a writer, but a person who likes to write… others define me, who surely do better.

Here I catch you… and I do a quick test.
Your favorite writer: Leopoldo María Panero.
An actor you want to look like: I do not have many references, I have actors that I love, but I would like to be the best actor of myself.
The song of your life: Garganta con arena.
And the movie? Cinema Paradiso.
What do you admire in a person? Honesty and freedom
What do you hate? The lie, to the people who try to take advantage of others, to the vultures…
Your favorite dish: Rice, but my mother’s, of course.
Which person in the world do you miss the most when you are away? To my parents.
One reason to cry: Miss my parents.
And one to laugh: See them.

And for us, see you. Thanks for everything, Jaime.

Source : esquire.com

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